“Vertumnus – early diagnosis, measurement, evaluation, and design of change in value creation networks” – is a collaborative research project that ended on 30 September 2013. The research project has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was coordinated by the Project Management Agency Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (PTKA), Production and Manufacturing Technologies division (PFT). This website provides information on:
admin, 21.02.2011
The IPEK – Institute of Product Engineering is a research facility at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and regards itself as a center of scientific innovation and product engineering with emphasis on drivetrain technology and mobility systems. We strive for the research and development of methods and processes of product engineering and their evaluation on real systems as well as excellence in their teaching and training. IPEK has the ambition to be one of the world’s leading university institutions.
Our highly motivated and performance-oriented team has the objective of contributing to the scientific community and to strengthen the competitiveness of German industry. This is achieved through the education and training of students and graduates, our research activities and by the continuous knowledge transfer to industry.
Key activities in the project Vertumnus
The factors that force a company to change – transformability drivers – cannot simply be generalized. Today, there are no established procedures for the systematic identification or description of such drivers within a company. The same applies to transformability enablers that will open for a company the opportunity to respond to upcoming change.
For the companies involved in the project, transformability drivers, transformability enablers and indicators for upcoming change have to be identified. The results of these activities will be specific to the involved companies, so in a further step, a methodological approach will be derived, designed to help companies identify transformability drivers, enablers and indicators systematically.
Leif Marxen
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT)
IPEK – Institute of Product Engineering
Kaiserstraße 10
Gebäude 10.23
76131 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 608-43953
Fax: +49 721 608-46051
E-Mail: marxen@ipek.uni-karlsruhe.de
Web: www.ipek.kit.edu
admin, 01.11.2010
The Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF) at the University of Stuttgart orients research and education towards sustainable production (technologies) of the future. Guidelines are derived from technological challenges of future product generations. Due to close interdisciplinary cooperation, the implementation of new technologies and methods is especially efficient.
IFF closely cooperates with the Fraunhofer Institute of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, IPA and other partners in a strategic network headed by Prof. Engelbert Westkämper. This cooperation model allows interdisciplinary research from the institutes and additional partners from within and outside university structures in Germany and Europe. New ICT technology supports regionally cross-linked R&D work.
Long-term experience in a collaborative research centre and an industrial transfer project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), underline the institute’s competencies in the field of transformable enterprise structures in serial production.
Scientific Focus within the Vertumnus Project
Concerning the Vertumnus project, the main goal of the Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF) is the methodic description and systematic acquisition of transformable objects within value-adding networks. Possible transformable objects are not only production systems in use, but also production organization and production planning or ICT structures and systems.
Based on this, the design of possible transformability enablers will be systemized, integrating research results on transformability drivers. This will allow enterprises to quickly adapt to changes in their environment and to closely cooperate with partners within the network. The goal is to change from re-action to pro-action, i.e. acting in advance when facing possible changes. IFF’s focus lies on work package 3.
Additionally, the institute coordinates the development of a software prototype and designs the overall architecture in agreement with all project partners.
Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF))
University of Stuttgart
Philipp Kroß
Allmandring 35
70569 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 970 1979
Fax +49 711 970 1220
E-Mail: philipp.kross@iff.uni-stuttgart.de
Web: www.iff.uni-stuttgart.de
admin, 20.10.2010
Pumacy Technologies AG is a leading provider of knowledge, innovation and process management solutions. Founded in 2000 Pumacy is a spin-off from the Produktionstechnisches Zentrum (PTZ) which includes the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management IWF of the Technical University Berlin and the Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK. Pumacy Technologies AG has customers who are known as leading manufacturers from the aerospace, automotive and pharmaceutical industry as well as the plant and machinery industries.
For each of our business segments – knowledge, process, and innovation management – we offer our clients a holistic approach ranging from a first strategy and a systematic analysis to a professional concept and the implementation of the final solution.
Our specific strength lies in our interdisciplinary teams. Engineers, business economists and IT specialists work together with psychologists, communication scientists, and sociologists.
Pumacy is certified partner of ENOVIA MatrixOne (a leading provider of integrative product lifecycle management solutions) and ExpandIT Solutions (standard software for the integration of administrative systems with web applications and mobile computers).
The Vertumnus Project
Developing a software prototype for early diagnosis, measurement, and evaluation of change drivers and the adaptation of change enablers does not guarantee customer acquisition beyond the project consortium or profit after the project is closed.
Network partners require trainings tailored to their specific needs. These trainings should include basic methods and an introduction to the software prototype. Benefits of the project and advantages of the software solution must be communicated to potential the network partners. This can only be achieved with a high degree of competence and awareness of the market.
As a result of the project, Pumacy Technologies AG intends to develop network trainings, business games, and a web-based knowledge management platform based on the KMmaster®, a product of Pumacy Technologies AG. The software solution supports training and coordination of network partners within existing value creation networks and helps to identify and contact potential new partners and networks.
Pumacy Technologies AG
Holger Rhinow
Bartningallee 27
10557 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 2216128-42
Fax: 49 30 2216128-9
E-Mail: info@pumacy.de
Web: www.pumacy.de
admin, 11.10.2010

The International Performance Research Institute (IPRI) is a non-profit research association in the field of business administration. At the end of 2002 IPRI was founded by Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Péter Horváth – the only shareholder. He operates the institute corporately with PD Dr. Mischa Seiter. The institute is located in Stuttgart.
IPRI does applied research with international orientation in the field of performance management of organizations, enterprises and business networks. Our core activities are publicly sponsored research projects and studies, international cooperations in the performance management field and the communication of scientific results.
Key activities in the project Vertumnus
The research focus of IPRI within the Vertumnus project lies on two aspects: To build a strategic foresight to identify change and to evaluate change in value networks.
IPRI will develop an indicator based strategic foresight to identify change in value networks. This system will be implemented as a prototype. A further goal is to develop an evaluation scheme for changeability, which allows an economic evaluation of changeability in value networks. The evaluation scheme will also be implemented as a prototype.
International Performance Research Institute gGmbH
Ben Meyer-Schwickerath
Königstraße 5
D-70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0711 / 6203268-88773
Fax: 0711 / 6203268-889
E-Mail: bmeyerschwickerath@ipri-insitute.com
Web: www.ipri-institute.com
admin, 07.10.2010
Pumacy Technologies AG takes part in the collaborative research project “Vertumnus – early diagnosis, measurement, evaluation, and design of change in value creation networks” funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Berlin, October 7, 2010 – Pumacy Technologies AG takes part in the collaborative research project “Vertumnus – early diagnosis, measurement, evaluation, and design of change in value creation networks” which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and coordinated by the Project Management Agency Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (PTKA), Production and Manufacturing Technologies division (PFT). The Vertumnus project (www.vertumnus-projekt.de) involves 11 partners from industry and science.
“The project can have a major impact on how businesses will deal with change, if we enable proactive reaction on change drivers for the entire structure of value creation networks and for any individual involved. Our main focus will be on linking drivers and enablers of change and underpinning forecasted change with tangible solutions,” states Dr. Tobias Müller-Prothmann, division manager innovation management at Pumacy Technologies AG.
Current research on organisational change focuses on individual companies exclusively. A transfer of findings and concepts to value creation networks has not yet happened. Current methods for evaluating the ability to manage organisational change (under economic aspects) are complex, time-consuming and inefficient for value creation networks. Early diagnose systems are mainly used by larger companies rather than by small and medium-sized enterprises.
The research project is divided into several sections. First, change drivers are identified, evaluated and made measurable by means of key data on organisational and value creation network level. Second, individual organisational, process and technology-based change enablers within a value creation network are identified and made available to ensure a pro-active response to emerging change drivers. Third, the evaluation of investments in organisational change helps to identify the best possible level for the ability to manage organisational change.
As a result of the project, Pumacy Technologies AG intends to develop and run network trainings and business games. A prerequisite of achieving tangible results will be the development of a software solution based on the knowledge management platform KMmaster®, a product of Pumacy company group. The software solution supports training and coordination of network partners within existing value creation networks and helps to identify and contact potential new partners and networks.
A transfer and consultancy concept ensures the application of the early diagnosis system which will be implemented by our industry partners such as BARiT Kunstharz-Belagstechnik GmbH, Brand KG, fischerwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Marquardt GmbH, Schübel GmbH primeparts, Tech 3d Control GmbH & Co. KG., WAFIOS AG. Our research is supported by Institutes of the University of Stuttgart, the division Production and Manufacturing Technologies (PFT) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, International Performance Research Institute gGmbH. The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and coordinated by the Project Management Agency Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (PTKA). The authors of this publication accept responsibility for the content herein.
Pumacy Technologies AG
Pumacy Technologies AG (http://www.pumacy.de ) is a leading knowledge management solution provider. The comprehensive portfolio of products and services is based on an interdisciplinary approach covering knowledge, process, and innovation management. The knowledge management platform KMmaster® (http://www.kmmaster.de) is a technology to support individual knowledge management concepts.
Pumacy has customers who are known as leading manufacturers from the aerospace and automotive, as well as the plant and machinery industries. Pumacy has extensive references from significant international projects.
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